Hello my friend, welcome . Come on in!

For those who want to go deeper into God

A rock pile ceases to be a a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a cathedral.
Antoine de Saint - Exupery


                                       When I was just a boy, I loved Bazooka bubble gum. Still do. I loved the funnies or comics inside.

                                        One of them has stayed with me and I think of it often. We see a guy looking for a dime on a corner under 

                                        streetlamp. His friend asked him where he lost it, and he says about a block away. He says why are you                                                    looking here and he explains the light is better here.

                                        We chuckle at his foolishness, but we all do this daily. We look for happiness be it a car, job, mate, etc.

                                        We just don't get it!  I can prove it. As soon as we acquire the object of our desire, we start looking for

                                         something new. Me too.

                                        We are looking for love in the wrong place. It is found only in Jesus. Get you a Bible and ask it to

                                         speak to you.  These words will allow you to find what you are after. As you read the unfolding

                                         of its word will allow you to feel, think, and see things most never experience in this world. The 

                                         words will lead you to Jesus. Fey is a word few know. It means something that is beyond our world.

                                         Jesus came from outside this world in order to save us ... only if we let him. I wish you the best.

                                         Come alive in 2025! I wish you a fey day ... every day! This is possible but cannot be found 

                                         anywhere except in Jesus.

                                                                        The unfolding of your words gives light.

                                                                                                                                                     Psalm 119:130



              Every single person on the planet can do this... all except you.

             Please do not let this news give you the blues because there is something else that only you can do.

             What is it?     Answer ( at bottom of this page)


Why do I call this started? In my chosen profession , I have to take many hours of CE (continued education) to keep my license current. I take classes online sometime, but most are in larger group settings.

Take a look at the word, started.  Now lets  think of it as start ED. This word has always stood out to me. Education not about the word ,star but the fact that Jesus's life was anounced prior to his birth by a star, and ended on a cross(a little t).

Ok you are saying what has this have to do with me?  The day to day is our CE. Tomorrow is just around the  bend in the river of time .Sometimes we can learn things from fellow sojouners. We are learning each and everyday new things sometimes even things about ourselves .

Cairns are stacked rocks. They are often used to mark a trail showing someone has been on this trail and path before. There is something there that most do not realize as we walk by. They took a few minutes of their time on the behalf of others . They were trying to help !

Please look at the first picture you saw on this website. See now you know what those stacked rocks mean and what they are called. 

I love books , reading , and words. I am a writer. I check eyes during the day. I then use the money  to buy food and other needs for my family.

Along the way , a funny thing happened. I found much to my surprise a few enjoyed my style. A  few  books were sold here and there and that has led to more writing.

I will take speaking gigs from time to time but at heart, I prefer writing. I am inspired as well  as surprised when someones shares my efforts have blessed them and they look forward to my next book. Many pastors have told me the will often go browse  my books to obtain fresh and new insight as they prepare their own sermons.

I am not rich by any means in money that is, nor am I famous. In fact I often kid about writing a book on how to keep from doing both . It seems  that  I have that down pat!

All kidding aside, I have found great joy in writing. Many and most of the funds we take in are used to make money to feed the kids who are without food and shelter.

It would be an honor for me if you would like to tag along with me on my journey. by no means do I have it all figured out. I am on a quest to learn and am eager to share I have picked up along the way.

I have prayed for a long time to have a place where I could teach . I will do my best to speak about what I feel God puts on my heart and enjoy the freedom that many who teach these days do not have. 

There is nothing in this world we can talk about that is not under God's reign and power regardless if  the secular world knows this or not!

Jesus's  work is finished... ours... not the case. I want to show you how we can all pitch in and make a difference using our gifts, time and talents while we are here.

I love were we see Jesus on his first recruiting trip.He was picking up two sets of brothers  along the shoreline. 

Peter was his first round draft pick. Jesus wanted to teach these  seasoned fisherman how to fish for people. When they  went with him ,they had to say so long to things they longed for. I find it very  interesting that they had to leave the shoreline as well  they they were to learn the deeper meaning of life as they followed 

Him. So is it the case with us as well.

Someone once said it is better to light a candle than to cuss the darkness. I feel we all know our nation is in trouble and we need to do something. This world is in darkness and is getting darker each day. In faith, I raise my candle. If  these words( my little light) have shed a little light  to help you on your path, my prayers have been answered!

Let's see where this goes!

                                                                                                                      Just Trusting,



                             Everyone can see your eyes except you (without a mirror) and only you can 

                            look through them.

                            See? Learned something already!  ;)
