My family just returned from the Gulf coast a few days ago. My wife and

                                     I drove down and the kids flew in, and we had a wonderful, relaxed time 

                                    together and the weather was perfect. As always, the time flew by too quickly

                                    but I am so grateful for safety for all of us to and fro.

                                     My wife and I recently celebrated 42 years of marriage. In all those years we have

                                     never had a single argument.... that I won. You thought I was going fib to you I am sure                                            and with good reason.

                                    Two years ago, we went down to our favorite place in Florida. My wife was 

                                    not aware all our kids were joining us, and it was a cool time. We renewed our                                                            marriage vows as the kids looked on. We had a surprise ourselves when our youngest                                             son dropped to one knee by the sea and asked his girlfriend to marry him. So, you see 

                                   this place by the sea is indeed sacred ground for us all!

                                   This trip we were joined by our two young grandchildren.  We all were all on the beach

                                   and frolicked in the sea. After watching grandparents play like children for years

                                   our turn and it was beyond words as all things that are from God.

                                   We were at a traffic light and a big macho red pickup truck pulled up to the light 

                                   on our left. It was a cool truck. He had a lift kit. It sat up really high on big tires. You                                                could not have added anything to this truck to make it look more manly. It had some                                              words on a decal in the rear window. It said:

                                                             I hope something good happens to you today!

                                   I did not get a good look at the driver. I was very impressed with this young man. Even                                           though I don't know him, I know he has a good heart. It was so refreshing to see

                                  a positive and uplifting message in this day and age. So many of the messages on shirts                                         and bumper stickers should make us blush and turn as red as his vehicle. I said a little                                            prayer for the guy in the big red truck. I asked God to bless all his loved ones as well. I do                                      not know much about him, but I am sure he is an encourager. He has the gift of lift!                                                   was soon on his way, but the heartwarming words have stayed with me. I looked online                                         and saw this same decal. I just might have to get one myself. ;)  

                                                  The sea, once it has cast its spell, hold one in its net of

                                                   wonder forever.                             Jacques Cousteau

                                                                         Matrimony is the high sea for which no compass has 

                                                    been invented.                              Heinrich Heine